- Professionel rådgivning
- Nem og sikker nethandel
- Mulighed for EAN betaling
PROLINE PLUS Rail-mount teleprompters come completely assembled and ready. Just add your 15mm Mounting System (With Camera). When you are done prompting the beamsplitter folds flat for instant breakdown.
*15mm Rails / Rig / Cage is sold separately
The monitors are self-reversing and can display prompting with the included Pro Version PC and Mac software or use an app like PowerPoint, our monitors do the flip for you. PROLINE PLUS teleprompters ship pre-assembled with standard beamsplitter models from 12" to 19", with wireless controller, Pro PC & Mac software on USB and a free download is available at no extra charge. Our exclusive sled design allows the camera rail to be quickly removed for easy storage and travel. PROLINE PLUS 15mm Rail-Mount models can be used as a Free Standing just by removing the 15mm Block extrusion and adding a stand and adapter, or as a Sled Mount by adding the long Sled to the Back of the Teleprompter with the Lowboy and (If needed) riser.
Complete solution – nothing else to buy
Easily Mount 15mm Rail / Shoulder Mount / Cages to the Teleprompter
Can be used tripod mount or Free Standing with adapter kit
Models available readable up to 30 feet
Self reversing monitor, HDMI, VGA and composite in
High Bright models have HD-SDI, HDMI and VGA inputs
Trapezoidal glass available
SDI input available on 17"and 24" HB models
60/40 or 70/30 glass
Included software and scroll controller
Upgradeable to 15/17/19/24 inch
FreeStand Kit - 12" - 15" includes Light Duty 6ft Teleprompter Stand and Specialized Rapid Adapter
FreeStand Kit - 17" - 24" includes Medium Duty 8ft Teleprompter Stand and Specialized Rapid Adapter
FreeStand Kit - 19" - 24" includes Heavy Duty Junior Roller Stand and Specialized Plated Rapid Adapter
Sled Kit - includes Back Sled, LowBoy, and Dual Height Riser
Soft Case / Travel Kits
*All PROLINE PLUS Teleprompters do not come with a Case
You can upgrade to include a Soft Case
Travel - Flight Cases (Hard Cases) are an upgrade
* Fast, easy setup and ultra adjustable * Supports any size camera from palmcorder to ENG * Money back guarantee and 3 year warranty
The PROLINE PLUS teleprompter’s patent pending design utilizes custom aluminum extrusions for high strength, lightweight and tool-less setup and operation. The unique design offers perfect balance for any camera from a palmcorder to a full size ENG camera. The included monitor is self-reversing which eliminates the need for expensive external reversers or complicated reversing software. The monitor also offers a variety of inputs including VGA, composite and HDMI with High Bright monitors having HD-SDI, VGA and HDMI. The lightweight LED displays are available in standard 400 NITS or 1000 NITS brightness. Go bigger or smaller! The PROLINE PLUS is modular and can be quickly and cost effectively converted to an iPad or 15/17/19/24 inch prompter for ultimate flexibility
Beamsplitter: 60/40 is standard, 70/30 available as a no cost option
Ultra Clear, low iron glass eliminates color shift
Anti reflection coatings prevent glass reflections
VGA, HDMI and composite inputs
LED back lit
Monitors from 12" to 24", standard or High Bright
AC adapter included, battery operable
Ultra adjustability
Glass folds flat for quick setup and breakdown
Can be used tripod mount or Free Standing with adapter kit
Tripod mount, and balance
Moveable tripod adapter plate allows solid support for large or small cameras
No weights required with standard tripods and pedestals
Talent monitors available
Adjustable height/angle glass/hood assembly
iPad (iPad bracket needed)
15/17/19/24 inch (glass assembly and monitor needed)
Controllers: wired, foot
Pro version PC and Mac software included
Newsroom software available
iCue software available for iPad upgrade
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