It comes standard with four threaded adapter rings (Φ67-95mm / Φ72-95mm / Φ77-95mm and Φ82-95mm) for circular filters like VND, GND, CPL, common DSLR lens and Φ95mm outer frontdiameter cine lenses.
You can separately purchase SmallRig adapter Rings Kit 3383(Φ52-95mm / Φ55-95mm / Φ58-95mm / Φ62-95mm and Φ86-95mm) for more compatibilities.
The kit also includes a filter frame (4x5.65") featuring aluminum alloy frame and anti-off design, which can be quickly installed without leaving fingerprints.
For attaching 4x4" filter, please purchase Smallrig Filter Frame 3648
For holding multiple slid-in filters at the same time in complex environment, please purchase Smallrig Filter Frame Kit (4x5.65") 3649.
The included VND Filter Kit 3651 allows for quick exposure adjustment under changing light environment while the DOF remains the same.
Thanks to the formfitting filter system, ultra-wide angle shot using ≥16mm focal length becomes possible.
Among other accessories, the lens hood features magnetic installation and quick release design and the carbon fiber top flag opens 180°.
To prevent more glare, please purchase Side Flag Kit (95mm) 3647
To support and protect lens, please purchase Rod Support 3652.
Dual Rod Support 3652 supports and protects lens & Lensmount.
SmallRig Star Trail series matte box use plenty of lighter magnesium alloy and carbon fiber to provide lightweight shooting solutions.
1: Cannot hold slide-in filter and circular filter at the same time
2: Incompatible with circular filter having outside diameter larger than 100mm
3: Please put Filter Frame (4x4") 3648 in the innermost slot near the lens
4: Please put VND Filter Kit 3651 in the innermost slot near the lens after removing lens hood 5: Third-party VND filters not compatible with VND Filter Kit 3651
1: Φ95mm cine lens
2: Any brand of 4x5.65", 4mm thick slide-in filter
3: Any Φ67/ Φ72/ Φ77/ Φ82 mm VND, GDN, CPL, ND filter (max outside diameter: 100mm)
4: Any Φ67/ Φ72/ Φ77/ Φ82 mm DSLR lens
5: Φ15mm rod

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