This bundle of the EyeDirect Mark II with Foam Fitted Rolling Case provides a flexible kit ready for travel.
The Mark II offers a flexible way of maintaining the eye contact with on-camera talent/interview subjects with your camera, and it can be used as a teleprompter that feeds your on-camera subject lines to read.
Suitable for use with cameras from DSLR or mirrorless up to full-size camcorders or digital cinema cameras with large lenses.
As a prompter, the Mark II supports iPads/tablets up to 7 x 10" and 3/8" thick (neither tablet nor prompting software is included).
It features a 65/35beamsplitter that allows the talent to see the text without it showing up on your image.
Removing the iPad/tablet is where the design of the Mark II shines, as it allows your on-camera talent to look directly at the camera, yet see the face the interviewer behind the camera.
You can also insert a picture or headline into your subject's eyeline without having them look off camera to see it.
The included rolling case features custom cut foam that protects your EyeDirect Mark II during transport or storage.
Rolling Case
This EyeDirect Rolling Case for the Mark II with Custom Cut Foam protects your gear from dirt, dust, impact, and water.
Black in color, this case is constructed from ultra-high-strength polypropylene copolymer resin. It features trigger-release latches, holes for optional padlocks, gasket-seal, and a built-in purge valve.
Carry the case with the large front and side handles. Travel over flat ground with the retractable extension handle and polyurethane, stainless steel ball bearing wheels.
Allows you to frame and compose shots without compromise
Wing features 40° of lateral adjustability and 35° of tilt adjustment
Removing the wing allows you to install the tablet accessory, which in turn enables the unit to be used as a teleprompter
Mounts on an 18inch long plate that mounts onto your tripod
Features a 160mm opening on the back for lenses
Includes a rubber donut with outside diameter of 52 to 80mm
Inlcudes a DSLR Riser block enables using DSLR or mirrorless cameras
Adjustable height
Rolling Case
Industrial strength injection-molded pull handle
In-line skate style wheels for easy transport
TSA accepted key locking latches are available
Padlock holes include stainless steel padlock protector clips
Convenient padded dividers
Waterproof and dust-tight design
Molded-In hinge for added protection
Trigger-release latch system
Snap-down rubber over molded cushion grip handle
Ambient pressure equalisation valve
Resistant to UV, solvents, corrosion, fungus
Resistant to impact damage
the wing allows you to install the tablet accessory, which in turns enables the unit to be used as a teleprompter
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