Transmit high-definition video over 3 miles (line-of-sight) from your DJI drone or gimbal gear for monitoring with thisTransmission with High-Bright Monitor CombofromDJI.
The combo includes a transmitter and a monitor/receiver that transmits up to 1080p60 video using the highly efficient O3 Pro transmission technology via Wi-Fi 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies.
Optional high-gain antennas can be purchased to boost the signal quality and distance. The high-bright monitor features 1500 cd/m² brightness, 1920 x 1200 resolution, and a touchscreen display.
The system supports automatic frequency hopping to find the strongest signal, and it operates using AES 256 encryption to protect your video from prying eyes.
It allows you to transmit simultaneously to two receivers in control mode, and in broadcast mode, it can transmit to unlimited receivers with a slightly lower performance.
Control mode allows you to control your gimbal or camera using the touchscreen or via physical gestures using the built-in gyroscopic sensor.
The units can be powered via a WB37 battery or its DC power input, or they can be powered directly from a DJI gimbal such as the Ronin 2 or RS 3.
The monitor provides multiple imaging tools such as frame guide, waveform, and false color, and it allows you to import custom LUTs.
With an optional expansion plate, the monitor can output HDMI and SDI signals, and also adds DC input and connection to Master Wheels and Force Pro.
Long-Distance HD Live Feed
DJI Transmission incorporates O3 Pro video transmission technology, which offers an incredible 20,000' on-ground transmission distance. It also supports transmission at 1080p60 with a max bitrate of 50 Mb/s as well as live audio monitoring at 16-bit 48 kHz, providing crews on large sets an excellent remote visual and audio monitoring experience.
End-to-End Ultra-Low Latency
The video transmitter and receiver use the same chip solution as Ronin 4D, with every link explicitly optimized to provide end-to-end ultra-low transmission latency when pairing with cinema cameras like the ARRI ALEXA Mini LF.
Seamless Auto Frequency Hopping
O3 Pro adds a DFS band on top of the traditional 2.4 and 5.8 GHz, offering up to 23 channel options that provide professional crews with more compliant and interference-free transmission channels.
DJI Transmission supports triple-band automatic frequency hopping, which automatically scans the electromagnetic environment for the best wireless channel.
With a built-in frequency sweeper, users can even manually select a channel to avoid interference between devices.
By mounting high-gain antennas, transmission capability is further boosted.
One Transmitter with Multiple Receivers for Coordinated Shooting
Two transmission modes are available.
In Control mode, DJI Transmission delivers optimal transmission performance. Monitoring can be done from two receivers at the same time, while the gimbal of Ronin 2 and RS 3 Pro and camera can be controlled remotely.
Broadcast mode can be enabled on top of Control mode to enable an unlimited number of receivers (transmission performance differs from Control mode).
On larger and more dynamic, DJI Transmission can operate with 20 or more transmitters sending signals to 20 or more devices, resulting in a smooth, coordinated experience that's difficult to get with traditional transmission setups.
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