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- 6G-SDI Input/Output
- 4K HDMI Input/Output
- PCIe Interface
- Supports SD, HD, 2K, and 4K Formats
- UHD / DCI 4K 4:2:2 via 6G-SDI or HDMI
- 1080p 4:4:4 by Single-Link 3G-SDI
- Analog I/O via Breakout Cable
- Genlock, RS-422, SD/HD Keyer
- Down/Up/Cross Conversions
- Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux Compatbile
The DeckLink Studio 4K Capture & Playback Card from Blackmagic Design features 6G-SDI and 4K HDMI inputs/outputs which support resolutions from SD to Ultra HD 4K (3840x2160) and DCI 4K (4096x2160).
Additionally, the DeckLink Studio 4K offers a wide range of video and audio connections via an included breakout cable.
These connections consist of analog component, S-Video, composite video, two channels of AES/EBU audio, and four channels of balanced analog audio.
The card also provides RS-422 deck control, a reference input, and a down converted SD output.
DeckLink Studio 4K offers flexible format and system support, letting you work with compressed video formats such as ProRes and DNxHD, as well as 10-bit uncompressed video.
When working with uncompressed video, all images are pixel-for-pixel identical to the source, without any generational loss.
This lets you get sharper keying with green screens, cleaner compositions, superior color correction, and more.
Support for common file formats provides ready-to-edit files for use in popular editing, effects, and design software applications.
DeckLink Studio 4K is compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux based workstations.
- PCIe capture/playback card compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux based workstations and servers
- Multi-rate SDI and HDMI connections accept SD, HD, 2K, and 4K resolutions
- 10-bit, 4:2:2 UHD 4K or DCI 4K by single-link 6G-SDI
- 10-bit, 4:4:4 1080p by single-link 6G-SDI
- 8-bit RBG / 10-bit YUV HDMI output
- HD to SD down-conversion
- SD to HD up-conversion
- Hardware cross conversion between 720p and 1080p on playback
- RS-422 deck control
- Internal SD keying
- Reference input
- Blackburst and tri-sync
- Supports 16 channels of embedded SDI and 8 channels of embedded HDMI audio in HD, 2K, and 4K resolutions (8 channels of embedded SDI audio in SD)
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