- Professionel rådgivning
- Nem og sikker nethandel
- Mulighed for EAN betaling
- Converts 3G-SDI to 2110 IP Video Systems
- 3G-SDI Inputs, Outputs & Loop Outputs
- Integrated 2.2" LCD Display
- Resolutions up to 1080p60
- PoE+ Support
Convert the signals from three separate 3G-SDI devices to 2110 IP video systems with this from Blackmagic Design.
The wide range of connectivity includes a 10G Ethernet port that handles up to three video channels simultaneously, three 3G-SDI inputs and three 3G-SDI outputs, as well as three loop outputs.
The unit also handles up to 16 channels of embedded audio with their respective video signals, and the RJ45 10G Ethernet port supports 10/100/1000/10G BASE-T and can also be used for PoE+ power connectivity.
The reference output is timed to the 2110 PTP clock
A 2.2" color LCD display on the front panel provides signal monitoring, menus, and diagnostic data. IP inputs can also be routed from the panel.
Designed to integrate any 3G-SDI equipment into 2110 IP broadcast systems, the rackmount design allows the unit to be installed in equipment racks right beside the equipment you're converting.
Employing an active fan-based cooling system, the unit remains cool even when mounted next to other gear. In addition to the PoE+ option, the unit also features a 100 to 240V AC power port.
It can also sync SDI inputs to a common PTP clock or external gear can lock to the reference output that's also generated from the PTP clock.
It supports SMPTE-2110-20 uncompressed video, SMPTE-2110-21 traffic shaping/timing, SMPTE-2110-30 audio, and SMPTE-2110-40 for ancillary data.
Multicast, which is an efficient way of distributing video, audio, and data from a single source to multiple destinations, is also supported.
Videohub Smart Control routes sources to destinations on 2110 IP networks because it can act as an NMOS controller.
The NMOS interface specification describes how SMPTE 2110 devices are discovered and controlled on IP networks.
IS-04 is supported for discovery and registration of IP video devices and IS-05 for connection management between IP video devices.
This means you can make connections between sources and destinations just like a traditional SDI router.
In standard definition, both 525i59.94 and 625i50 standards are supported. In high definition, the unit supports all 720p video standards up to 720p60, all 1080 interlaced standards up to 1080i60, and all 1080p standards up to 1080p60, and you can run three different video standards at the same time.
Simply go into the front panel setup menu to change the language.
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