4-channel DV Charger
2A per channel
LC-D421 can charge 4 DV batteries simultaneously, with 2A charging current per channel.
Users can exchange different types of battery plate to charge different types of DV batteries together.

Exchangeable DV Plates
You can select the following snap-on quick exchangeable DV plates to mount on LC-D421, to charge different batteries:
KA-C10U: SONY BP-U type
KA-C10F : SONY NP-F type
KA-C10D : Panasonic CGA, AG-VBR59
KA-C10B : Panasonic VW-VBG6
KA-C10C: Canon BP-945 type
KA-C10I: SSL-JVC50 type
KA-C10V : JVC BN-VF823 type
KA-C10E : Canon LP-E6

LED Charging Indicators
LC-D421 charger has 4-LED indicators for each charging channel, and display the re- al-time battery capacity level.
In case of the 4 LEDs are all flashing or all off, please check the connection condition of the batteries and plates, and restart the charger.